Tuesday, July 20, 2010

An Enlarged Prostate Is Man’s Worse Nightmare

If you are 40 years old and above and you're having problems with urination, chances are, you're a likely victim of an enlarged prostate which doctors call prostate cancer. Some of the early symptoms of prostate cancer are an immediate need to urinate, frequent and/or painful urination, urinating more than three times a night and/or a delay in starting urination.

If you're waiting in line outside a public rest room and an old man is ahead of you and it takes minutes for him to use the john, then, he has prostate cancer. Men with this problem should not hesitate to go to their doctor to have it checked up and the sooner they visit their specialist, the better.

Friday, July 16, 2010

What is Prostate Cancer?

Most men over 40 will start to experience some problems in urinating. Sometimes, the will feel an immediate need to urinate even though they are not that drinkers of water. Others can have frequent and/or painful urination. Some even have worse cases like urinating more than three times a night and the worst of all the worst, a delay in starting urination.

If a man at this age is having these kinds of signs, then, he better beware for he might have prostate cancer. If a woman has problems with menopause or UTI (urinary tract infection), men can be victims of prostate cancer and the best thing he needs to do is to visit his doctor.

Monday, July 12, 2010

What Prostate Cancer Research Tells About The Ways To Treat Prostate Cancer

Prostate cancer, according to some prostate cancer research findings, is a type of cancer that is very slow to growth and sometimes there are some other men in their 50s or above who can’t feel any symptoms of prostate cancer unless they will go to the doctor and have it examined or diagnosed. Since cancer of the prostate is more common in older men, there are those who die of other causes or diseases without even being diagnosed with prostate cancer until their bodies are examined in the autopsy table. Particularly in the early stages, prostate cancer research says that symptoms are almost non-existent in patients with this disease. People who die with this disease are often diagnosed as the cause of death is other ailments like pneumonia.

But if you take a look at it, this is going to be very dangerous. I mean, if you can’t feel any early signs or symptoms of prostate cancer, that could mean that you don’t know that it’s already there till it hits you right between the eyes or right between what is down there, you know what I mean now, do you? According to prostate cancer research, it is very essential that a man should always be on the lookout for what he is doing, what he is eating and how he lives his life generally. That means to say that in order to prevent prostate cancer, one should adapt a healthy lifestyle- eat right, sleep right, exercise right and of course, periodic visits to the doctor’s clinic is the most crucial thing that he can do in order to keep the prostate gland healthy and happy.

If the cancer is detected at its earliest stage through observing and adapting a healthy lifestyle, the patient will have a better chance of treating and maintaining the condition. That’s why it’s very important that when you have reached the over-the-hill age, you should have an annual check up with your doctor so you can be sure that nothing is wrong with your from within. It’s best to remember that early detection is better than cure.

It would also be wise for a man to know more about prostate health, prostate cancer, prostate cancer research, the causes and of course, the treatments even though he don’t have any problems with his prostate right now. I, myself, ever since I was in my late 20’s, I have learned a lot about all of these and now, I’m very much conscious of what I do, what I eat and what I will be going through and have gone through. Becoming aware is one of the things that will keep you away from prostate cancer and poor health and diseases in general.

Friday, July 9, 2010

Good Prostate Health Begins With Good Health Tips

Most men who are over 40 years of age will be suffering from different health problems especially if they are not too careful with what they do. One of these problems involved the prostate gland just near the male reproductive organ. Men who have this problem can have problems in urination. They can feel an immediate need to urinate. When they do urinate, they feel frequent and/or painful urination. They usually urinate three times in a night or even more. Then, when they are standing in front of the john, they experience delay in starting urination. All of these signs are symptoms of a poor prostate health.

If you are one of these guys with prostate problems, you have to be aware that although you grow old, this is not a natural part of aging but rather a part of an unhealthy lifestyle. In general, these may be suggestive of prostate disease like prostate cancer, benign prostatic hyperplasia or prostate infections. Now, can you say that a bloody urine or small traces of blood in the urine is still a part of being old and all that? Is the inability to urinate or with a weak urine flow a natural part of aging? No, it is not. This is all because of poor lifestyle which can learn to poor prostate health. Therefore, it is important to see a urologist or your family doctor soon when you get older. Remember, only a doctor can evaluate your symptoms and the possible causes, and help prevent serious complications.

However, if you can find and learn some good health tips for good prostate health, you don’t have to suffer this when you get older and/or everytime you go to your doctor for a regular check up, you know that nothing is wrong with your prostate health or your prostate gland in general or simply there is nothing wrong with you. So, what are the best ways to have good prostate health? First and foremost, and this should be a favorite for men and it is frequent ejaculation.

This can be done whether by masturbation or by sexual intercourse and it has been found to keep the prostate gland healthy. This was found at from the study done experts by The Cancer Council Victoria in Australia who wanted to see if there was a connection between ejaculation and prostate cancer. The study found that the ducts are cleared out by ejaculation and the more frequent this is, the better as it clears the gland of toxins, carcinogens and other debris. Other ways include sitz baths, eating the right kinds of food, exercising regularly and if your doctor prescribes you medicines for prostate health, have a go at it the way your doctor tells you so. Green tea would also be a good prostate cancer prevention.

Sunday, July 4, 2010

The Best Prostate Cancer Therapy Is A Natural Therapy- The Sun

It is believed that men who are above 40 years old or who are already on the over-the-hill age will most likely to develop prostate cancer which is caused by the enlargement of the prostate gland. Yes, this is true but if somehow an individual will spend the time to do a little research about prostate gland, prostate health, prostate cancer and prostate cancer prevention, he won’t have to suffer this kind of health problem, right? He might not even get to the point that he will look for some other prostate treatment options or alternative cure for it. So, what are the precautionary measures that one needs to know in order to prevent prostate cancer? For one, he needs to adapt a very, very healthy lifestyle. If he is overweight, he needs to lose those extra fats and weight now. If he’s sedentary, it’s time that he should find a way to do a regular physical activity like jogging, aerobics or a little workout and most importantly, he needs to watch what he eats and this is just one of the best prostate cancer therapy that one can have but there’s another one- the sun.

One specific treatment for prostate cancer brought to the “research forefront” is Vitamin D and it’s directly from the great celestial-out-there, right above you- the almighty Sun. That celestial being that has been there since the birth of time is actually a good medication for many diseases and yes, prostate cancer is one of them. According to a study, men with higher levels of vitamin D, which can be obtained naturally through sunshine exposure, are less susceptible to cancer growth in the prostate glands and there are many experiments that also suggested vitamin D inhibits cancer cell growth.

That is why, I can still remember when my father used to tell to me constantly ever since I was very young that it is very beneficial to our health a little healthy exposure from the sun. I didn’t realized at that time he was already suffering from prostate cancer and I’m just amazed today to think that he survived 40 more years and had seen us grow up to be young men and women, all of us, me and my siblings. It was that great “celestial-out-there” that really helped him enjoy more life and because of that, I can now truly say that the sun is the best prostate cancer treatment therapy and of course, also for many other things. Of course, we have to be aware that too much exposure of it especially between around 9am to 3pm can also be dangerous to our health. It’s best to get some sun from 7am to before 9am.